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Release 20.06.2019 V6.2.8


Release 20.06.2019




  • Competency 

- Fix how numbers in graphs should appear above bars

- Attachments not showing on the competency type

- Charts are arranged messy in some cases

- Expired competency not shown as expired

  • Risk Management 

- Tab names are not showing the changed tab letter in modal

- Error on copy risk analysis

  • Hub Menu 

- Row name with translation error caused name to not show

  • Document 

- Document has wrong status in revision log/list

- Risk Colour wrong in view external documents

- External cannot download attachments from upload field uploaded before sent to external

- External to delete attachments in upload field




  • Documents 

- Option to have 3 coloured risk field

  • Competency 

- Add View Capsule to Report

- Add new user not mandatory on e-mail address

- Some improvements on Analysis


- Page break functionality added to get better printouts to PDF

- Bookmark function added for easy navigation to other paragraphs in document 

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