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Release 01.08.2019 V6.2.11


Release 01.08.2019




  • Report Hub 

- Module status now shows correct status in report index column

- We fixed a bug where Search for content in WYSIWYG in report index with Æ Ø Å letters 

  • KPI Scorecard 

- Manual input fields is fixed so it dont looses focus on change to next field

  • Access Rights 

- We fixed an error that could cause Access Groups to be duplicated

  • Documents 

- We fixed a bug where writing in tables in WYSIWYG in browser Edge did not work

- We fixed a little bug where insert internal documents and images from upload field did not work

- We fixed the function so you now can delete attachment documents from the paperclip




  • Profile page 

- We now made username to be unchanged

- Password toggle is now 1 toggle on new user creation

- We have changed the error message if creation of user failed to be more specific

- If you have access to more than one customer the customer change field is now back

Access denied
Access denied