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Release 26.09.2019 V6.2.15


Release 26.06.2019




  • Dashboard 

- Search on dashboard now works with æ ø å

  • Report Hub 

- External documents is always shown in report hub

- In analysis when show month set document was not listed on click on bar

  • Equipment 

- Export to excel now work if column responsible is active in view.

  • External documents 

- Fixed a bug when an external document was rejected, sent back to external and not answered in 14 days.

  • KPI Scorecard 

- Fixed a bug causing to not be able to delete a scorecard.



  • Analysis 

- When legend is deselected and analysis saved the value is always deactivated from view.

  • Document 

- When document is archived it gets now a archived status and not published

- Title of document is printed on all pages printed

- View mode of checkbox and connected dropdown is much better

  • Report Hub 

- Link to attachment is now part of excel export.

  • Systemwide 

- Logo was pushed a bit down

- Start of a building page of organization chart

- Start of building a Global Fields page to be used in all modules

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