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Release 28.01.-21 V6.2.43




  • KPI: Export to PDF is now possible. The export contains all data available in the KPI Scorecard.
  • Competency: People without a system user will receive e-mails without links to the system. People's names have been removed from the table of competencies in e-mails, in all personal e-mails. The names remain for recipients of trigger / notification e-mails.
  • Ownership Transfer: We have included actions with status complete, which have not been finalised on this page
  • Actions overview: The list of actions can  be filtered by any user of the system. Deactivated users have a deactivated tag following their name.



  • Actions: The actions overview page now allows filtering on all users who have sent or received an action.
  • Chatbox: Users will now receive notification e-mails even if they switch customer system.
  • Report export: This can now be turned on and off without having to edit the column contents.
  • Connected dropdown: On delete a pop up will appear with link to all documents in which the value is in use.
  • Risk management: Actions assigned to deactivated users should show the users' names, but these cannot be selected for further work
  • Company menu (previously Hub menu): A refresh from edit mode will now still display text as expected.
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