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Release 05.01.-23. V7.2.0




  • Action Manager: We're introducing the new Action Manager which will provide new opportunities compared to previous Actions.
  • Document: We enlarged the default height for wysiwyg field in documents as many customers were asking for this
  • Customers having a single module will be automatically redirected to the module page when opening abms
  • Document: We have removed the back buttons from the bottom of the documents as these were not used anymore
  • API: We have extented the authentication token validity from 24 to 72 hours
  • We have improved our log for scheduled tasks
  • Super users have now a new settings under Company settings page where they can choose which boxes should be available on dashboard for the users


Bug fixes

  • Module: New added fields can be used now in existing calculation field formula
  • Document: Sometimes the date fields were showing red colour even if they were not required. This is fixed now
  • Document: Date field value was not saved when the value was manually entered. Fixed
  • API: We had some errors while trying to retrieve documents with attachments through our api. It has been fixed
  • Report: We have fixed a rare case when sorting by delete column was giving wrong results
  • We have fixed a case where the accept contents reminders were sent out to deactivated users
  • Mainstays: Adding a mainstay to favourites having the name translated was showing a blank name on dashboard. This is fixed now
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