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Release 23.03.2022 V7.0.11




  • Risk management: In edit mode of the risk analyses index page global fields drop downs now remain open after selecting a value. Other fields are disabled whilst changes are being saved to server, and then reactivated when the system is ready to receive further input. We have also brought the upload attachment functionality in line with Action manager.
  • Action manager: The action manager has now been given full logging capabilities. The action manager is still not available to our customers, this is just for information on our progress.
  • Equipment Management: We have brought the upload attachment functionality in line with Action manager, and added the ability to select multiple files for uploading at once.
  • Super - Users: We now send out e-mails for all newly created users, independent of sign in method. The content of the e-mail adapts depending on the form on sign in selected on the user.



  • Competency Management: Deleted competencies no longer return on a user if you remove a capsule from said user.
  • Documents: Table of Contents now keeps document in the documents space, not behind the menu, and the link takes you to the correct spot in the document.
  • Reports: Document attachments now appear in blue, like links, in the reports. We have also improved a warning message related to report filter vs. personal filter.


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