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Release 02.09.2015 V 5.14


Version 5.14

This update includes:

  • New:  Show person´s name instead of email in the system

  • Fixed: Document show in both boxes -new and inprogress

  • Fixed: Report hub "old" columns, columns for other version of module

  • Fixed: Reciever list is empty for some user when adding an action

  • Fixed: Old document revision in Report hub

  • Fixed: Documents not showing under waiting for approval

  • Fixed: Documents show in both Dashboard boxes inprogress and approval

  • Fixed: 3 Party sending is now working as it should for Customer satisfaction and Supplier evaluation.

  • Fixed: Filter on "registered_by" field not working

  • Fixed: Active filter on users show wrong users

  • Fixed: In progress documents even if published

  • Fixed: Sort on date - report hub

  • Fixed: Invalid Date field issue

  • Fixed: New report issue, cant save new reports

  • Fixed: SuperUser can't use new translations

  • Fixed: Rejecting document, not closing dilouge box

  • Fixed: Table of contents error

  • Fixed: Add paging to all index pages

  • Fixed: Customer satisfaction / Supplier evaluation- send to many

  • Fixed: Remove "company" from report

  • Fixed: Archive function only archives revisions of same module version

  • Fixed: Can't edit My Documents that are inprogress

  • Fixed: Risk Management Helptext not updating instantly

  • Fixed: Actions from email opens the action and not document

  • Fixed: count error in graphs

  • Fixed: Email has no link to action

  • Fixed: Risk Management - add save button

  • Fixed: Risk Management not sending action

  • Improved: Back button redirects to wrong page (still under change/improvement)

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