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Release 22.01.2016 V 5.19


Version 5.19

This update includes:

  • New: Able to see who is working on a newer document in progress

  • New: Personal filter in report hub

  • New: KPI/Scorecard Beta Release

  • Improvement: ID number/revnr on Print

  • Improvement: CSS - view/edit/pdf as similar as possible

  • Improvement: Emails and internal messages 

  • Improvement: Report hub read access rights

  • Fixed: Calender must start week on monday

  • Fixed: Fields not printing where they are in document

  • Fixed: Insert internal document fail

  • Fixed: Adding subcategory to a new category KPI

  • Fixed: Export Report to Excel bug

  • Fixed: Slow document when typing text

  • Fixed: Error in link from risk management in email

  • Fixed: excel export date and whitespace

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