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Release 03.10.-22 V7.1.12

Release 03.10.-22 V7.1.12


  • iOS devices: We have implemented pull-to-refresh functionality for our application
  • API: We have updated our API documentation and we have added also a step by step guide about how to integrate with PowerBI
  • New knowledgebase

Bug fixes

  • Reports: We fixed a sort by user-list fields issue 
  • Substance register: We were showing wrong letters for matrix tabs into Risk Analysis and Risk After action columns in some places. This is now fixed
  • Risk Management: We had an error when sorting by due date which was causing an empty index. This is now fixed
  • Competency: Triggers/Reminders were not sent out anymore after September 12th because of an error caused by updating our underlying technologies. This is fixed and all the emails were sent out
  • Office 365: We have fixed a very rare case which was causing an automatically creation of a new user in our support portal when SSO login feature is turned ON/OFF

User interface

  • Update footer informations with new information and link to new supportpage. 
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