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Release 06.01.2017 V 5.57


Version 5.57

This update includes:

  • Fixed: Scorecard fix when target is 0 (removed <>)

  • Fixed: Search in Reports - index page

  • Fixed: A bug for Send to modal in documents when was only 1 person in the list

  • Fixed: Print, export in Internet explorer

  • Fixed: Bug for scorecard transition to 2017, when edit

  • Fixed: Translations for document print

  • Fixed: Export to excel - removed empty space for values, decimals recognized as float numbers

  • Fixed: Fixed kpi for customers where was already duplicated, restored from backup

  • Fixed: Fixed a bug for empty dropdown in documents after changing a value in super modules

  • Improvement: Able to delete values in Super-Modules only if are not used in documents

  • Improvement: Improvements for Risk management attachment upload

  • New: Able now to copy a risk item from one analysis to many others

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