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Release 11.10.-23. V7.4.0


Release day!  11.10.-23



  • Module/Super/Admin: Field labels/names can now be edited directly in place. Super and admin users can update field names while in module edit mode.
  • Document/Module: We simplified Wysiwyg field requirements. Now, filling just one language is enough for document creation, and it displays in the user's chosen language.
  • Module/Admin/Super: We've repositioned the section tabs from the right side to the top, along with improving the design of the top part.
  • Substance register: The lists of P H settings have been updated. Please note that updating R and S settings is no longer allowed, as they were phased out in 2017.
  • Wysiwyg: We've added toolbars for vertical alignment of table cells.
  • Wysiwyg: The new process map icons have been resized to 30px, up from the previous 23px.
  • Android app: We have released a new version of the app, targeting the latest Android versions to ensure full compatibility.
  • iOS app: We've performed the necessary annual operations to maintain the app's functionality on the App Store.
  • Security Update: We have enhanced our server infrastructure with the latest security measures, ensuring the utmost protection.


Bug fixes:

  • Super: We fixed a bug which could occur in a rare case when trying to transfer ownership of Competency responsible
  • Risk management: Global fields could not be updated anymore because of some related changes. This is fixed now
  • Admin/Module: Removed non-functioning triggers from the module edit functionality and made some design updates.
  • Admin/Module: Fixed the issue where new fields couldn't be added in a newly created module.
  • Admin/Module: Resolved the problem with the "Create new module" button redirecting to the wrong path.
  • Admin/Module: Fixed the error related to saving a module in conjunction with expandable sections.
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