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Release 21.04.2017 V 5.71


Version 5.71

This update includes:

  • New:  Possibility to update workflow so that you can forward a section for edit of other user

  • New:  Edit dropdown, radiobuttin, checkbox, number fields on earlier step in document

  • Fixed:  Scorecard catogory issue fixed 

  • Fixed:  Show all error fixed

  • Fixed:  Super - Templates save with name with special character in name

  • Fixed:  Fixed a bug with checkbox as dropdown required field

  • Fixed:  Scorecard fix for Firefox, sort arrows hidden

  • Fixed:  Fix for templates not showing latest changes

  • Fixed:  Fix for templates not inserting the selected template

  • Fixed:  Fixed a bug in risk for adding values to next item in matrix from previous added colours

  • Fixed:  Fixed filter in ReportHub to show personal filter is on in a column

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