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Release 20.12.2018 V 6.1.19


This release contains fixes and improvements as this:

- Document: Use comma or other separator to separate results from multiple selection fields in print to PDF

    - We added comma as value separator in view mode of documents for checkbox values

- Report Hub - Export to excel - data placed in wrong columns

-    If a shared column i.e responsible is blank the columns in export was moved, we now add No User in this blank field so export is good.

- line in graph not visible, 

    - We made the line graph type in analysis more visible

- Document: Multiple requests on dropdown field, 

    - We changed how we ask for access rights so documents with dropdown fields loads faster

- Analysis - show by months - Click on bar shows wrong documents, 

    - The correct documents is now showing when click on bars in analysis

- Upload field not good on pdf print, 

    - View of attachment names in upload field is changed

- Date in export not correct, 

    - Date fields in export to excel is now correctly exported as

- Report Hub - Export to excel - ADD additional column with full URL to the doc, 

    - On export to excel from report Index we now add a clickable link to the actual document

- Risk Buttons: Hide option to revert, 

    - We found a logical bug in the change color/number in risk fields that results in that we have reverted the opportunity to swap ascending/descending, 

- Startmonth in KPI not working, 

    - We have hidden opportunity to choose start month in KPI as this function did not work.

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