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Release 18.07.2019 V6.2.10


Release 18.07.2019




  • Profile Page 

- In edit mode, refresh the page messes up page

  • Report Hub 

- Sort on calculation field fails

  • Print PDF 

- Title and logo dissapear in print to pdf

  • Dashboard 

- Filter search is not working

  • Corporate Report Hub 

- Documents not always opening

  • Actions 

- Action reminders bug in new customers created by package

  • Connected Dropdown 

- The connected drop downs are not always showing selected values in edit mode

  • Main Modules 

- Delete/edit values in dropdowns bug




  • Competence 

- Add a separator to the pre-defined charts drop down

  • Profile page 

- Customer type ahead dropdown needs to allow for use of arrow buttons for selection and enter button for select

  • Super 

- Edit user -> Remove ability to change password

  • Access Rights 

- Check and remove access groups for Antenor IT users in all customers

  • Actions 

- Be able to send actions to other corporate company users

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